I am an Accredited Sexual and Relationship Psychotherapist and Psychotherapeutic Supervisor.
Individuals with sexually compulsive behaviours e.g. PORN:
I am additionally qualified to work Online, (UK/worldwide) helping people overcome embarrassment and/or shame, or those in the public eye needing this extra level of anonymity. I have a much experience working with people that have Sex/Porn/chat/hook up/escort/anonymous sex addiction. You and your partner are likely to feel a great deal of despair if you have continually engaged in the aforementioned activities & you may know how hard it is to stop these behaviours. You may still have your head in the sand, but you can be sure that the effects of this compulsive behaviour will be registering with people that are close to you e.g. Partner & children, (yes, children pick up on moods and behaviours
Individuals afraid of straying onto illegal websites, or charged under UK legal system with sexual offences:
It can be very easy when bored with the usual Porn sites to start wondering ‘what else is out there’? With all compulsions, people have to dial up their behaviour to keep getting a hit. If you are worried this may be you, or if you have been charged & need help to gain insight into your behaviours & want to stop/prevent acting out, please contact me. I have specialist training for working with these situations & also with traumatised partners.
Partners of individuals with sexually compulsive behavours:
You will equally be feeling in despair, powerless, outraged and above all betrayed. You will ask yourself on many occassions if this is true or just a nightmare. You will wonder if naming ‘sex addiction’ as the problem, is just an excuse for unacceptable cheating behaviour and no doubt you will loathe your partners behaviour. You will not know if you want to end the relationship or if it can ever be saved, if you have the strength to forgive? I have a lot of knowledge and experience of working with partners and couples in this situation and I can help you work through the difficult emotions, rebuild self-esteem and then you may be better equipped to make big decisions about your relationship.
Many people are very embarassed to seek help for their sexual ‘obssessions’. Again I have considerable experience of working with many different types of fetishes and I am only interested in how I can help you to stop acting out these behaviours (if that is your wish), not about anything with an embarrassing potential.
If you are experiencing any of the above difficulties or other sexual problems, I would be delighted to hear from you. Please see my website http://www.castawaytherapy.com for full information.
I have found that the majority of people with compulsive sexual behaviours feel deep shame & guilt. These are very negative, destructive and damaging emotions. I have a special interest in working with Compassion & I have training in this. Compassion is what is needed for that shame & guilt to start being deactivated and to help you feel so much better about yourself. It is incredibly difficult to move on from negative life changing events when you are mired in shame. I use Compassion on a daily basis and it works well. If you would like to address your shame & or guilt, I would be delighted to hear from you.