What is ATSAC?
ATSAC (the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity) is a not-for-profit organisation that provides information and support on sex addiction and compulsivity.
Sex addiction is a growing problem that can devastate lives. ATSAC is committed to providing hope, information, and treatment options to sex addicts and those who love them.
Our Values, Mission and Vision
ATSAC Values
Inclusivity – we don’t tell people how to live their lives; we are tolerant and embrace diversity in all its forms especially in the area of human sexuality.
Care – when somebody reaches out to the organisation, either from within or from outside, we respond as quickly and helpfully as we can.
Equality – we will not tolerate racism and will work to promote diversity and inclusion. We will treat all people fairly and with equality.
Responsibility – each ATSAC member recognises their own part in collectively delivering ATSAC’s Mission.
Striving – we set the highest standards in everything we say and do. Reflecting and promoting the latest thinking in sexual addiction forms part of these standards.
ATSAC Mission Statement
ATSAC educates the public, professionals and governments, raising awareness about sexual addiction and compulsivity, and the challenges faced by those who are addicted or those whose lives are affected by sex addiction. It sets standards and provides support to members and others to help those whose lives are affected by sex addiction.
ATSAC Vision
ATSAC is the leading UK organisation for the provision of education, support and resources for those working with, interested in, or affected by sexual addiction and compulsivity. We are seen as experts in our field, always actively translating our knowledge and expertise in a way that is helpful to the general public, media and practitioners alike.
ATSAC Anti-Racism Statement
15th July 2020
To Whom This May Concern,
Re: Statement of Anti-Racist Practice
The ATSAC Board has recently reviewed the Vision and Values of ATSAC and in order to better support anti-racist practice wish to make the following addition to our core values:
Equality – we will not tolerate racism and will work to promote diversity and inclusion. We will treat all people fairly and with equality.
ATSAC is proud to support anti-racist practice.
In the words of Ibram X. Kendi, “The opposite of racism isn’t “not racist” it is anti-racist”.
ATSAC does not exist in a vacuum, and the inequities in society can be seen in our therapeutic discipline in many ways which we must acknowledge and address. Our profession also has the power to highlight and tackle many of the factors underlying racism and other forms of inequity and oppression, and we are committed to building ATSAC into an anti-racist and inclusive organisation. We acknowledge that this is a work in progress, both in terms of encouraging BAME therapists and also of ensuring that BAME clients are enabled to access ATSAC services.
Yours faithfully,
Stephanie Palin
ATSAC Chair on behalf of ATSAC Board