“Understanding why I do what I do” is a common thread running through a lot of my client work. I offer a non-judgmental safe space for clients to explore their sexuality, sexual preferences and sexual behaviours whatever they may be, working towards a positive and fulfilling sexual future which is right for you as an individual or for you and your partner/s.
Practicing in Uppingham, I am an integrative psychosexual psychotherapist, a registered member of COSRT (College of Sexual and Relationship Therapy) and qualified member of ATSAC (Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity). I am also STOPSO trained.
I work with individuals and couples who are affected by all kinds of sexual issues, psychosexual and relationship issues including compulsive sexual behaviours and internet pornography use.
I work in a person-centred way, which means our work is entirely designed around your situation and needs. I aim to provide the type and pace of support which will be right for you, which includes drawing on other approaches and therapeutic tools when appropriate. My work is founded on building a therapeutic relationship where respect, warmth and trust develop, so you feel confident and safe to open up about the issues you are dealing with. By exploring and understanding what may lie behind the issues, a different way of being can emerge.