As a sex therapist I work exclusively in the area of compulsive sexual behaviour. I work with couples and individuals who are struggling with sexual addictions and/or their partners. I am an integrative psychotherapist, relationship counsellor and Supervisor accredited by the National Counselling Society. I have successes in many areas, specifically working with couples where there are feelings of betrayal. I work with both men and woman struggling with out of control sexual behaviours. I work face to face, online (Skype and Zoom) and Phone. I also provide services to BFPO Locations.
My Counselling and supervision practice is accredited by The National Counselling Society. As a supervisor I work with supervisees who help clients with specificity but not exclusively, compulsive sexual behaviours and their partners. I offer supervision in a collaborative manner, assisting supervisees to develop their individual needs, whilst providing, supportive, educative and normative function. Assisting in identifying strengths and areas for development and encouraging supervisees to set their own objectives.